"You know that you are poor when you need to wait to give your child his asthma medicine because you can't afford the aero-chamber."
Voices From Our Community

"Living in poverty means not being able to have my friends over for dinner."

"Living in poverty means going without winter boots for several winters."

"I feel poor when I can't take my kids to see a movie without gift certificates."

"I feel poor when transportation is a major expenditure."

"I feel poor when I cannot afford good, nutritious food."

"I feel poor when I cannot afford appropriate health care and dentistry for me and my family."

"I feel poor when my family is too ashamed to come and visit me in my low income apartment."

"I feel poor when I have to ask my pastor for a food voucher or $5 near the middle of the month or ask my family for help."

"I feel poor when I feel ashamed and afraid to ask for help."

"You know that you are poor when your dentist's idea of dental care is a tooth extraction."

"You know that you are poor when you feel like you have no control over your finances or life."

"You know that you are poor when you need to wait to give your child his asthma medicine because you can't afford the aero-chamber."

"You know that you are poor when shopping for groceries means waiting in line at the food bank."

Step 1: Take the Survey Step 2: Make Your Voice Heard